Today was the family reunion, something I was both looking forward to and dreading. It kind of surprised me by not being so bad, in fact I actually had a great time! There was good food, pretty descent company, and lots to do. The weather wasn’t very cooperative, but we didn’t let that rain on our parade. They had a skate park really close that I went to and chilled at for a bit, so that was really cool considering I never get to do that kind of stuff at home. I would say it was a perfect day…almost. I broke my sister’s camera, and I almost broke my pelvic bone. It was really slick out and I was skating out of the skate park with her camera in my hand, when all of a sudden the board slid out sideways hurtling me to the ground. The only thing I landed on was the side of my pelvis, and when I first hit the ground I couldn't breathe. It was horrible. I must have jolted the camera enough so that it will never work again, and I really thought I would never be able to walk (or breathe) again! That part of my day was not so great. But I’m learning to be content no matter what. Learning is the keyword there ;)